Today’s trademark registration process has reached to its simplified options in front of you. Emerging online services have helped people across to manage their business activities effectively. Before you sign up to complete any service online you may need to understand certain things. Let us see which the important things to know before registering your trademark are:
What is Vienna codification process?
While registering your trademark you will fill the application form and then it will be send for international classification.
Trademark examination
Once the Vienna codification is completed, based on the classification a trademark officer will be allocated to examine the application following the guidelines. The application acceptance or rejection is dependent upon the officer examination.
What happens when my trademark application is rejected?
If your application is rejected then the applicant can go for a hearing. Following the reason of rejection if any documents are requested to submit and again the rejection continues or the applicant required to get the proper justification then applicant can approach the Intellectual Property Appellate Board.
Trademark symbols
Symbol ‘R’:
In order to protect the trademark to be copied from others
Symbol ‘C’:
It is to protect the content to be not used by others and it stands for “copyright”. Many industries in different countries are highly particular about the copyright protection.
Symbol TM:
It is not any copyright protection but help you protect your logo, name or symbol. If there is any scenario on which the application is rejected then others can your logo or name.
Symbol SM:
It is a service industry symbol and is allowed from trademark classes 35 to 45.
Apart from the above things there are some advises a trademark consultant can provide you the best assistance. Knowing the things before registering your trademark is very good for your secured approach for the registration.